A sedentary lifestyle, or "sedentary disease", is rapidly engulfing the world's population. Every year people spend less time actively and more and more - in one place. Just imagine: according to WHO statistics, every fourth adult in the world does not play sports sufficiently. The situation with adolescents is even worse: more than 80% of boys and girls are not active enough. Inactivity entails a number of health hazards. We will talk about this in detail in our article.
People who work in the office usually complain about the lack of activity in life. Today they are the majority in all developed countries. However, retirees, schoolchildren, and freelancers also have problems with a sedentary lifestyle. Over time, a sedentary lifestyle has a detrimental effect on the body: it increases the risk of diabetes, cancer; causes high blood pressure, back problems, osteoporosis, depression, and mental illness.
The World Health Organization has established a series of guidelines for children and adults aimed at maintaining healthy lifestyles. For an adult, the norm is at least 150 minutes of aerobic activity per week. This category includes activities of medium intensity: recreational swimming, walking, cycling, and anything that makes you move at an average pace.
An alternative option is 75 minutes a week, but already high-intensity workouts: jogging, jumping rope, cycling at a speed above 16 km / h. According to the WHO, two strength training sessions per week, in addition to cardio, are also essential for maintaining health. Strength training isn't just for bodybuilders: this moderate exercise reduces the risk of injury, strengthens the musculoskeletal system, and prevents joint, muscle, and bone diseases.
The modern rhythm of life makes people less active. We are used to spending our leisure time on social networks. But habits that seem insignificant at first glance have serious consequences. For example, if you sit in one position all day, you will have problems with peristalsis. And poor digestion, in turn, leads to dull skin color and breakouts. Inactivity is also associated with overeating, stress, and chronic fatigue. This is due to the fact that physical activity stimulates the production of "hormones of joy" - endorphins, which improve mood and well-being.
If you stay motionless for hours, your strength will only decrease. The body is a complex system that requires careful treatment of itself. Just as you take care of your car: change the oil and fill it with quality gasoline, you must take care of your body. But even if you go to workout after the office, it will not help solve the problem of sitting in one place for eight hours.
Take a break every hour and spend at least a couple of minutes on the move, in addition to a full workout after work? - You are on the right track.
Take advantage of even the smallest opportunity for physical activity during your workday. How to stay active in the workplace?
It is possible to avoid the consequences of a sedentary lifestyle, but it takes your initiative. Here are some tips you can apply in the workplace today:
If you get up for 3-5 minutes every hour, this will already play a role. Set reminders on your phone or install a special application that will remind you to stretch your legs during the working day.
Get some air during lunchtime instead of sitting in a stuffy office. If possible, take a walk, which, by the way, will become part of your 150 minutes of activity per week. Even 10-15 minutes is better than nothing, so take every chance.
Don't focus on a specific number like 3 liters a day or 10 glasses. The most important thing is to drink the water regularly enough to keep you from feeling thirsty. It is already a sign of dehydration.
If you are using public transport, get off a few stops early. Most scientists and doctors agree that every person needs to walk 10,000 steps every day to prevent diseases associated with a sedentary lifestyle.
When going up the stairs, the gluteal and gastrocnemius muscles, and the hamstrings are involved. You don't have to pay money or buy expensive equipment to walk - use this opportunity more often!
It is possible and necessary to deal with a sedentary lifestyle. You don’t have to run to the gym for an exhausting two-hour workout after a hard day at work. Do a mini-workout of 2-3 exercises every 60-90 minutes. It will help you both physically and emotionally and keep you healthy in the long run.
Proper nutrition is another major problem for office workers. By moving a little, you are not burning the calories you eat to the full. That energy in the form of calories, which has remained unused, is used to restore and build new tissues, including fat. From there, extra pounds arise. However, with a competent approach to diet planning, these consequences can be avoided.
First of all, pay attention to breakfast. Eating right in the morning will give you the energy you need for the first half of the day and keep you from feeling hungry until lunchtime. A healthy breakfast includes a mix of proteins, carbohydrates, and fats. In addition, your main breakfast dish should have a glycemic index below 55. The glycemic index (GI) is responsible for the rate at which carbohydrates are absorbed by the body and the rise in blood sugar. The main idea: foods with a high GI (above 55) are absorbed in a couple of hours, which again leads to a feeling of hunger, while foods with a low GI (below 55) are absorbed by the body slowly, maintaining a feeling of fullness for 4-5 hours.
Oatmeal, whole-grain toast, quesadillas with vegetables, natural yogurt with fruits and nuts are just a few of the options for a healthy breakfast.
Missed breakfast? Take a healthy snack with you: fruits, nuts, yogurts, bread. This will help to avoid the insane feeling of hunger. As a result, you will control your appetite, which will prevent you from overeating at lunchtime or at home after work.
We sorted out the breakfast, but what to do with lunch? The first option is to cook at home and take food with you. The peculiarity of this option is that most likely you will need a microwave and refrigerator. The second option is to go to lunch in a restaurant. Choose low-fat salads, vegetable soups, casseroles, grilled or steamed dishes. Avoid sugary drinks and pastries - otherwise, hunger will return in an hour, and this is already extra calories.
A sedentary lifestyle provokes a number of diseases, many of which are very serious. However, these consequences are preventable. Now you have powerful tools to take the first step towards a healthy lifestyle. Today is the perfect day to start!