Healthy Diet Plan For Weight Loss


A slim-fit figure is an indicator of the health and strength of your body. However, many, trying to achieve quick weight loss, exhaust themselves with dubious diets and deprive the body of the necessary nutrients. In fact, if you stick to a balanced diet and give your muscles the necessary load, you will no longer have to think about diets and other methods of losing weight. With proper nutrition, you can lose weight and improve overall well-being without violence against yourself. In this article, we will take a closer look at how you should eat to lose weight and be healthy.

The principles of a healthy diet

If you are determined to change your eating habits and lose weight, start with the five key principles of healthy eating. Follow these principles and you will always be on the right track.

  • Choose a variety of foods and eat grains as the largest serving at every meal.
  • Eat lots of vegetables and fruits.
  • Eat moderate amounts of milk, meat, fish, eggs, and their substitutes.
  • Reduce your intake of foods high in fat/oil, salt, and sugar, as well as canned and processed foods.
  • Drink enough fluids every day (water, tea, soups).
  • Eat regularly at a certain time.

What is important to consider on a healthy diet

Without a balanced and healthy diet, the body is more susceptible to disease, infection, fatigue, and poor performance.

However, for good health, it is necessary not only to replace unhealthy foods with useful ones but also to exercise regularly. It is also necessary to give the body enough sleep time to recuperate. Studies have shown that sleep-deprived people have an increased appetite compared to those who get enough sleep.

This is likely due to the effect of sleep on two important hunger hormones, ghrelin, and leptin. Therefore, it is very important for a healthy weight and well-being to get seven or more hours of sleep every day.

Exercising is also good for weight loss and health benefits. Exercise improves blood circulation and the accelerated blood flow increases the oxygen level in the body. It helps to reduce the risk of heart diseases, such as coronary artery disease and heart failure. Regular exercise in itself increases calorie expenditure, which leads to fat loss. But also calorie expenditure is increased by building muscle mass - this forces the body to spend more calories even in a calm state. As a result, we can say that healthy nutrition, regular physical activity, and good sleep are three pillars of a good figure and good health.

What you can and cannot eat on a healthy diet

healthy diet

A balanced healthy diet should contain all the nutrients the body needs - vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, carbohydrates, protein, and healthy fats - in sufficient quantities. Therefore, the healthy diet must include:

  • fruits,
  • vegetables,
  • grains,
  • dairy and protein products. Protein foods include meat, eggs, fish, nuts, and legumes.

People on a vegan diet cannot eat meat, fish, or dairy products, so they will have substitute foods that contain similar nutrients in their diets. For example, tofu and beans are plant-based sources of protein. Some people are intolerant to dairy products, but they can also eat a balanced diet by gaining essential nutrients from other foods.

It should be remembered that each person is different, and what is useful for one may not be suitable for another. For example, whole grain flour is not suitable for people with gluten intolerance. Therefore, when drawing up a diet, take into account the characteristics of your body and be sure to consult your doctor if you have health problems.

Foods to avoid on a healthy diet:

  • Cheese with a high percentage of fat - 60% -70% of fat: blue, processed, camembert, hard varieties
  • Non-durum wheat pasta
  • Bakery products made from white flour
  • Foods that contain sugar. Sweets, chocolates, purchased yogurts with toppings
  • Ready-to-eat breakfast cereals and healthful sports bars
  • Instant soups and mashed potatoes, instant noodles
  • Any canned food with vinegar, salt, and sugar
  • Mayonnaise and other sauces, if you haven't made them yourself
  • Processed meat. These are sausages, hot dogs
  • Various semi-finished products: dumplings, ready-made cutlets
  • Purchased juices and sodas
  • Alcohol
  • Trans fats. They are found in large quantities in chips, crackers
  • Fried foods
  • Fast food

A list of foods that you can eat on a healthy diet:

  • Whole grains. Rice, oatmeal, buckwheat, quinoa, pearl barley, etc
  • Lean meats - rabbit, turkey, lean fish
  • Boiled eggs, scrambled eggs
  • Low-fat dairy products
  • Vegetable puree soup, lean liquid dishes, vegetarian soups
  • Nuts, seeds, dried fruits (the latter only without added sugar)
  • Any fruits and vegetables
  • Herbs and spices

How to make the right menu for the day

The number of calories in food is the amount of energy that it contains. Our body receives energy only from food and spends the calories received for thinking, breathing, walking, and other important functions. The average person needs about 2,000 calories per day to maintain basic energy metabolism, but this figure varies with age, gender, and level of physical activity. Men generally need more calories than women. Also, people who exercise need more calories than those who don't.


The two most popular methods for calculating calories are Mifflin-St Jeor and Harris-Benedict. Both mathematical formulas allow you to calculate the number of calories that the body expends for the basic metabolism. Each formula contains two different equations, one for men and one for women. Usually, the formulas have a difference of about 100 calories in the results.

The Mifflin-St Jeor formula:

Women: [10 x weight (kg)] + [6.25 x height (cm)] - [4.92 x age (years)] -161;

Men: [10 x weight (kg)] + [6.25 x height (cm)] - [4.92 x age (years)] + 5.

The Harris-Benedict formula:

Women: 655.1 + [9.563 x weight (kg)] + [1.85 x height (cm)] - [4.676 x age (years)];

Men: 66.5 + [13.75 x weight (kg)] + [5.003 x height (cm)] - [6.775 x age (years)].

Besides the number of calories consumed, their quality is also important. Foods that are high in sugar or fat but very low in nutrients are known as "empty calories." They should be avoided.

These products include:

  • cakes, cookies, and donuts,
  • processed meat,
  • energy drinks and sodas
  • fruit drinks with added sugar,
  • ice cream,
  • chips and potatoes,
  • pizza,
  • carbonated drinks.

However, it is not only the type of food that makes the dish nutritious, but also the ingredients. Homemade pizza with a whole grain base and lots of fresh vegetables on top can be a healthy choice. In contrast, cooked pizzas and other highly processed foods often contain empty calories. To maintain good health, limit your intake of empty calories and instead try to get your calories from foods rich in other nutrients.

The classic menu option on the healthy diet

Now that we have familiarized ourselves with the basic rules of a healthy diet, we have learned which foods are worth and should not be consumed, we can proceed to draw up the menu. In fact, you can create your menu by simply following the tips above. But you can see the options for ready-made menus below.

  • Breakfast: porridge + simple carbohydrates + some protein
  • Snack No. 1
  • Lunch: side dish + meat + vegetables (fresh or cooked)
  • Snack No. 2
  • Dinner: lean poultry or fish + vegetables (fresh or cooked)
  • 1 hour before bedtime: a glass of kefir or 150 g of cottage cheese

Do not be confused by the monotony of the dishes, because you can change the content of breakfast, lunch, and dinner at least every day. For breakfast, porridge can be oatmeal, pearl barley, buckwheat, millet, or chickpea. For lunch, pasta, potatoes, rice, buckwheat, quinoa, chickpeas can serve as a side dish. Vegetable dishes can also vary, from green salads to stewed cabbage or zucchini. When it comes to meat, chicken breast is most commonly cooked, but you can also eat lean beef, turkey, or fish.

Sample menu for a day for 1200 calories

menu healthy diet

A word of caution: yes, 1200 calories may be enough for some people, but for most adults, this is very low. For proper nutrition, you should stick to your calorie intake and not cut calories by more than 10% of the daily value.

  • Carrot pancakes with bran (200 gr, 273 kcal)
  • Grain cottage cheese with mint sauce and pineapples (160 gr, 218 kcal)
  • Bolognese pasta (200 gr, 261 kcal)
  • Cherry curd pie (200 gr, 334 kcal)
  • Pollock cutlets with quinoa (230 gr, 225 kcal)

Sample menu for a day for 1400 calories

  • Banana muffins with poppy seeds (178 g, 587 kcal)
  • Pasta with chicken, spinach, and parmesan (210 gr, 352 kcal)
  • Salad with beef, potatoes, and olive dressing (230 gr, 300 kcal)
  • Cod in sour cream sauce with cherry and vegetables (230 gr, 163 kcal)

Sample menu for a day for 1600 calories

  • Buckwheat flakes with coconut (300 gr, 228 kcal)
  • Dessert with berries and yogurt (220 gr, 209 kcal)
  • Zucchini cream soup with coconut milk (250 gr, 135 kcal)
  • Homemade cutlets in a creamy sauce and couscous with vegetables (330 gr, 540 kcal)
  • Fish balls in celery sauce and cauliflower (280 g, 406 kcal)

Sample menu for a day for 1800 calories

  • Casserole with apple and sea buckthorn jam (280 g, 406 kcal)
  • Quesadilla with chicken and vegetables (252 g, 468 kcal)
  • Thai Chicken with Vegetables and Curry Rice (280 g, 450 kcal)
  • Salad with beets, green beans, and pesto sauce (210 gr, 277 kcal)
  • Grilled beef and zucchini (180 gr, 200 kcal)

Popular weight loss mistakes

Sometimes the process of losing weight is delayed: it seems to you that you are doing everything right, but you still do not get the cherished results. In fact, you can hinder your progress by making simple mistakes.

1) You measure the result with numbers on the scales and give up.

The number on the scale is only one measure of the weight change. In fact, the weight can fluctuate up to 1.8 kg during the day, depending on how much food and liquid you drink. If the number on the scale doesn't move, you may be losing fat mass, but your body retains a lot of water. In addition, as you exercise, the number and weight of muscles in the body increases. Therefore, the values on the scales may not only not change, but even grow.

Measuring your waist with a tape measure and photographing yourself monthly can show that you are actually losing fat, even if the number on the scale is the same as when you started losing weight.

2) You eat more calories than you expend.

For weight loss, it is enough to reduce the daily calorie intake by 10% and add 2-3 workouts per week for additional physical activity on the body.

eat more

3) Lack of exercise while losing weight is also a common mistake.

Of course, nutrition plays a leading role in this matter, but training significantly speeds up the process of losing weight and really changes body composition. For a good figure and health, it is important not only the absence of excess fat but also the presence of a strong muscle frame. Proper nutrition is not a temporary diet for a month, but a restructuring of eating habits with a long-term perspective. The goal here is more than just weight loss. A balanced diet gradually heals the entire body; in the future, this approach will help save large amounts of money not spent on treatment.

However, you should not drastically change your eating habits and drive yourself into unnecessary stress. It is enough to take small steps and improve every day to start looking and feeling your best. The main thing - do not forget to enjoy the process, and let proper nutrition gradually become your companion to a healthy life.